Jenks Football History - Webmaster Tom Graham - Copyright © 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to

There has been a change. Welcome to  The Jenks football history on this site comes from two decades of creating and maintaining the original website.

The change is a result of a third rebuild of the website for 2024. The new site uses a modern site builder program that better  supports the use of mobile devices. 

Unfortunately, the hundreds of pages and thousands of photos from the 2004-2014 and 2014-2024 builds of the original site could not be transferred.  I can tell you that I sure as heck was not going to let the history and the thousands of hours capturing the history go away.

While the format may change, the intent is to maintain the new historical website for years to come. This website is dedicated and maintained for Jenks Trojan Football Alumni. You "all" deserve it, you earned it.

Tom Graham